SPMO Advisory 2024-001 Survey on Hauling of Unserviceable PPE

SPMO Advisory 2024-001 Survey on Hauling of Unserviceable PPE

In line with OC Memorandum No. 100 series of 2024 on the Immediate Turn-over of Properties and Equipment and Waste Materials for Proper Disposal, providing herewith is the link Survey for Hauling of Unserviceable Properties version 2.0 to be accomplished by those units who failed to respond on June 21, 2024 and those who have revision or additions to their initial response. As mentioned, the responses from the google link shall be used by SPMO and University Planning and Maintenance Office (UPMO) in scheduling and providing the hauling services.

Priority on the hauling schedule shall be given to those offices who replied to the survey within the deadline and with submission of complete supporting documents including Return Slip for Excess, Salvage of Disposable Property (RS) and its attachments. Please expect notification and give confirmation on the schedule of hauling, after SPMO has done checking their submitted documents.